Poetry, Prose

Letting Go 

A meteor struck you and you feel the ground beneath your feet cracking open. You tossle and turn trying to keep your balance but you're delivered face flat onto the ground by the commotion. This is the nature of when someone close to you hurts you. When someone close to you strikes your world like… Continue reading Letting Go 

Poetry, Prose

Collateral Beauty

A dear friend of mine from Instagram decided to hold a challenge inspired by the movie 'Collateral Beauty,' these were my ramblings: Dear Death, I once invited you into my bed. I was a girl in my teens down on my knees begging for a reprieve. I couldn't understand pain. I didn't want to deal… Continue reading Collateral Beauty

Book Reviews, My Books, Poetry

My Books

Ratings and Reviews ☆5 Lulu (Amazon) This collection of letters to one's younger self was such a brilliant idea! With the author recently going through the tough situations teenagers experience and, most importantly, learning from those situations adds to the authenticity of the writing. That's why I believe this book is a must read for… Continue reading My Books